Wednesday 22 July 2015

Senior Project Research Paper Ideas

The mainstreaming of tattoos can spark many ideas for research topics.

Senior research projects should be on something that inspires you or at the very least maintains an interest. An idea that grabs your interest for the time it takes to do the research and put the project together should lead to more fulfilling results \in terms of the end product and the grade you receive.

Tattoos and Body Piercing

Tattooing and body piercing have fully entered the mainstream and left the spectrum of rebellion behind. Ideas for tackling this topic as a senior project include studying the health risks associated with body art and piercing, whether minors should be required to get parental consent and even the fact that what were once fringe social outlets of expression have become very much a part of the mainstream.

Hate Crimes

A research project could focus on the topic of hate crimes. One angle would be to research how hate has become a primary focus of sentencing and punishment over the last few decades. Another would be to research whether intent such as expression of hatred should lift a crime like vandalism into a more serious degree of concern. Ask and answer the question, does hate make a crime worse?


A research paper sure to gain the interest of some seniors is checking into whether banning skateboarding in public places is a violation of rights. Find out if similar recreational activities have been allowed in the same places where skateboarding has been prohibited, and why some activities are allowed and others aren't.

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks make almost supernatural promises of power to those who consume them. A senior research paper could check into the validity of the claims made by these drink manufacturers. Begin by researching exactly what claims of energy are made by these products, and then lead into whether those claims are fulfilled.

Teenage Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has begun to filter down into the world of teenagers. Cosmetic surgery to make young girls look prettier has not been around long enough to determine long-term consequences, but a research paper could take the path of determining the full extent of the impact of advertising images on the decision of a teenage girl to undergo the knife to attain a level of idealized beauty.

Hip-Hop and Violence

Hip-hop music has gained a reputation for inspiring illegal and violent behavior among listeners, based on the violence deaths of many of its biggest stars. A research paper could seek to determine whether there is a link between listening to rap and engaging in violence. The paper could also seek to determine the average makeup of the listener of rap music and analyze other media influences that do not get the same bad rap.

Tags: paper could, research paper could, into whether, made these, research paper