Monday 20 July 2015

Create Cheap Spice Jars

Create Cheap Spice Jars

Buying spices can put a hole in your wallet. However, in most cases what you're paying for is the convenient packaging rather than the spices themselves. With a bit of ingenuity and resourcefulness, you can stock your spice rack for a fraction of the cost of pre-packaged spices. Homemade spice jars reflect your personality better than ones purchased at a store. Get creative and draw attractive designs to represent the contents of your spice jars. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Save the glass jars from spices you've purchased in the past. Ask your friends and family if they have any leftover empty jars. Check eBay and Craigslist for cheap spice jars. Craigslist also has a free section where people may be giving the jars away. Also save small, slender jars from products like jelly, capers and olives.

2. Begin to remove the labels from the jars. Tear off as much of the paper as possible. Then saturate any remaining label and adhesive with a citrus cleaner such as Goo Gone. Allow the labels to soak in the cleaner for two to three minutes. Scrape away the remainder of the labels with a craft blade. Use some alcohol on a cotton ball to remove the rest of the adhesive.

3. Wash the jars inside with soapy water and a bottle brush. Wash them on the outside with an old sponge. Retire the sponge and don't use it to wash dishes again. Use a clean dish cloth to dry the jars inside and out.

4. Use a tape measure to determine how large the new label should be. Use a string or piece of yarn if you don't have a tape measure. Measure out the same dimensions on a self-adhesive white label. Mark the edges of the new label in pencil. Create a small label which will sit on the front of the jar, rather than one that will wrap all the way around the jar.

5. Use a ruler to measure the center on the left and right sides of the new label, then measure the center of the top and bottom sides. Find the intersection of these points and mark it very lightly with a pencil. Write the name of the spice on the front of the label in marker, colored pencil or gel pen, using the pencil mark as a guide. Draw on any decorations you would like to have on your label. Cut the label out, remove the backing and carefully align it over the front of the jar before pressing down.

6. Shop at your local health food store for bulk spices. The prices per pound for these spices may seem high. However, when you calculate the price per ounce, you'll see that they're much cheaper than pre-packaged spices. Purchase between one and three ounces of spices you use often. Also check superstores and discount grocery stores for cheap spices such as cinnamon, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder and parsley in plastic containers.

7. Create your own mixed spices. Check sites like About and Allrecipes for spice mix recipes. Make pumpkin pie spice, adobo seasoning, garam masala, Italian seasoning and curry powder from scratch. Use a small spoon to place inside the jars. Use a funnel if necessary.

Tags: Cheap Spice, Cheap Spice Jars, Create Cheap, Create Cheap Spice, jars from, jars inside, measure center