Monday 20 October 2014

Organic Food Industry Jobs

As more people seek organically grown foods, the job market in the organic food industry is growing. Farmers, project managers, human resource managers, quality control technicians, equipment maintenance technicians, salespeople and horticulturists are just some of the many career opportunities available for people interested in the organic food industry.

Farm Managers

Farm managers are some of the most important people in the food industry, and it's no different for organic foods. The difference is that a manager of an organic farm must have a broader knowledge of regulations on organic foods, organic fertilizers, and organic pest control methods. Because of the specific requirements necessary to earn Certified Organic Status, organic farm managers must also keep records to establish and maintain certification.

Produce Managers

Produce managers in the organic food industry play roles very similar to those of produce managers in the mainstream grocery industry. They are responsible for buying and presenting the produce, and must be knowledgeable about the growing seasons and methods of growing the items they choose to sell. For organic produce managers, this is especially important because consumers of organic produce often want to know the precise origins of the items they buy. A produce manager also must be accurate in estimating the demand for certain vegetables and fruits in order to purchase enough, yet not so much that the produce spoils before it is sold.

Maintenance Technicians

Maintenance technicians are also vital in the organic food industry, because all farms and factories have equipment that requires maintenance or food items that require heat and/or refrigeration. Because organic foods are generally not processed with the chemicals and preservatives that mainstream foods often are, monitoring and controlling temperatures is especially important. Proper storage is a requirement for Certified Organic Status.

Product Developers

Chef, baker, product developer and "food scientist" careers in the organic food industry are highly sought-after, and with the boom in consumption of organic foods, new products are always in demand. Companies that supply organic foods need foodies, bakers and chefs to come up with creative ideas for appealing products and try new recipes using organic ingredients.

Tags: food industry, organic foods, organic food, organic food industry, Certified Organic, Certified Organic Status, especially important