Friday 31 October 2014

How Often Should One Lemon Cleanse

How Often Should One Lemon Cleanse?


The Lemon Cleanse, also known as the Master Cleanse, is typically done for a period of 10 days to one month. You can decide on your own how long you wish to do a Lemon Cleanse, or you can use your tongue as an indicator of whether you are fully detoxified. If you have a whitish coating on your tongue, this indicates that you have candida in your system. When the whitish coating disappears, you can stop the Lemon Cleanse because the candida is gone.


The amount of time you do your Lemon Cleanse will influence how long you should wait before you do it again. You can do a Lemon Cleanse every three to six months. If you only cleanse for 10 days, you can do it again in three months. If you extend it out for an entire month, you should wait six months before you do it again. People who live or work around environmental toxins should do a Lemon Cleanse every three months because they need to flush their system of toxins on a more frequent basis. Lemon Cleanses also boost the immune system, so they can be done more frequently during flu season.


The Lemon Cleanse can be done up to four times a year because it is not a starvation diet that harms the body. Technically, it is aimed at detoxification rather than weight loss, although people using this program typically lose weight as a side effect. The body's caloric needs are met during the cleanse because you mix maple syrup into the lemon drink, and it also gets essential nutrients from the mixture. The syrup provides calories and minerals, and the lemon juice provides vitamins.


The frequency with which you can do a Lemon Cleanse is influenced by your physical condition. You should talk to your doctor before doing a cleanse, and you should ask her advice on how frequently you can repeat the process. She can assess your individual condition and make recommendations based on that information.

Tags: Lemon Cleanse, three months, before again, Cleanse every, Cleanse every three, every three, every three months