Tuesday 1 December 2015

Recipe To Cook Oatmeal In The Microwave

Recipe to cook oatmeal in the microwave

Oatmeal for breakfast is healthy but maybe not popular. It can be done faster with this recipe for oatmeal cook in the microwave. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. To cook oatmeal in the microwave is faster and easier than to cook it in a pot. The recipe is simple. Get a microwave safe bowlto cook in. Add oatmeal and sugar to the bowl. Add water.

2. Judge the amount of water by comparing how much oatmeal and how much water are in the bowl. If you like really thick oatmeal cook the recipe little less water than oatmeal. If you like thin oatmeal cook the recipe with more water than oatmeal. How much exactly is a personal taste thing. The type of oatmeal; you use will effect how much water you need also. Rolled oats take less water. Shredded oatmeal takes more water for this recipe.

3. You can buy flavored oatmeal but if you need to watch the salt plain oatmeal can be used for this recipe. Spice up the plain oatmeal recipe with some chocolate or fruit. You can add anything you want to the oatmeal.

4. When you make this recipe in the microwave be careful. One thing to watch is the oatmeal will rise up in the bowl. I know it is done cooking when little mountains form on top of the oatmeal. When you take it out it will be VERY HOT! and stay that way for a while. Be careful.

Click the links below for more info.

Tags: this recipe, cook recipe, oatmeal cook, cook oatmeal, cook oatmeal microwave, less water, more water