Tuesday 1 December 2015

Bulgur Breakfast Ideas

Bulgur is a popular staple with a variety of uses.

Bulgur is a variety of processed wheat, popular in the Mediterranean. First popularized in Belgium, use of Bulgur wheat may stretch back more than 2,000 years. Bulgur wheat is a whole grain, typically left intact before being ground and stored for consumption. While bulgur is great for lunch and dinner, it also makes for an excellent breakfast, either as the star of the show or just one of many ingredients. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Cooking Bulgur

To cook plain bulgur, measure a cup of bulgur into a small saucepan. Add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of water or stock, then bring to a boil. After the water has boiled, lower the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Let the bulgur cook for 15 minutes before removing from heat and uncovering. The grains will need to be stirred slightly with a fork. Once cooked, add milk if desired.

Sweet Ideas

Season bulgur with sugar or honey after it has cooked. Molasses, maple syrup and other sweeteners all work just as well. You can add these in any proportion you like, though moderation allows the flavor of the grain to shine through. Fresh or dried fruits can liven up a basic bulgur as well. Chop or dice the fruit into bite-sized pieces, and stir into the cooked bulgur before serving.

Savory Ideas

When the bulgur is nearly done, crack an egg into the pot and stir briskly until it is incorporated for a thicker, more porridge-like texture. The same tactic can be used on oatmeal and other hot cereal grains. Salt and butter are other worthwhile add-ins for a savory breakfast. Nuts can add crunch and flavor to cooked bulgur as well.

Baked Goods

Add small amounts of bulgur to typical baked goods for added crunch and texture, as well as a boost to your daily fiber and protein intakes. Try adding 1/4 cup of cooked bulgur to your morning pancakes, or sprinkling bulgur atop breakfast muffins.

Tags: cooked bulgur, bulgur well, Bulgur wheat