Organic food is growing in popularity, as it has many health benefits.
It is not uncommon these days to walk into a supermarket and be bombarded by packages with words like "organic" or "natural" printed on them. It is often difficult to know if the products bearing these labels are, in fact, what they claim. Organic and natural foods have been found to be better for the consumer, as they lack harsh chemicals. But how does one decipher between the organic and the chemical-laden?
Foods --- Organic Fruits and Vegetables
Organic fruits are not only healthier but they can taste better than the alternative.
The term "organic" refers to foods grown without the use of pesticides and having no chemical additives. Organic fruits and vegetables are often the easiest foods to find and will likely get easier as the organic trend increases. These foods are readily accessible from many local super markets, and even some big-box grocery stores, but can also be found at farmers markets or family-owned farms, depending on the growing season. Producers in the United States are required to be certified organic before they can sell goods under that umbrella.
Foods --- Organic Dairy and Meats
Organics are healthier for you and the animals you are getting it from.
Organic meats and dairy products are often difficult to find at major grocery chains, as they are not as cost-effective to purchase. For the most success obtaining these products, one could seek out local farms or Amish or Mennonite colonies. Organic meats are chemical-free and are usually more humane farming practices when compared to large farming lots.
Foods --- Packaged
Before an "organic" label can be placed on a product, it must be certified by the USDA.
For a product to be market as "organic" in the Unites States, it must be marked with the USDA Certified Organic label.
Various stores around the country are popping up marketing solely organic goods. They are more common in areas where the foods are readily produced, like California or Florida. Organic stores often come with higher price tags, but for many, it is worth it. For a list of stores in your state, visit Chemical-free foods can often be found at small farms and farmers markets throughout the country.
Tags: farmers markets, Foods Organic, foods readily, often difficult, Organic fruits, Organic meats