Friday 23 October 2015

Organic Soil Facts

Organic materials can promote healthy, fertile soil conditions.

Quality soil is an essential ingredient for growing strong, healthy plants. The condition of the soil can determine whether plants receive needed amounts of air, water and nutrients. Organic materials can help stabilize soil environments and provide vital nutrients needed for plant health and growth. Different soil types can also benefit from the addition of organic materials. Does this Spark an idea?


Organic soil--also known as humus--is made up of decomposing materials from plants and animals, according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Humus may also contain microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. According to Science Clarified, these organisms work to break down organic matter, which makes nutrients contained inside available for plants to use. These nutrients consist of inorganic materials like phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. In essence, the nutritional quality of a soil environment is dependent on the amount of organic matter present.

Soil Structure

Plants tend to respond best within fertile soil environments. According to Science Clarified, the structure of a soil says a lot about its potential for fertility. Tilth is the term used to describe a soil's structure. Soil containing good amounts of organic material has a granular feel to it and will easily crumble. This granular aspect enables this type of soil to contain mineral materials inside individual soil particles, according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service. These qualities allow for an even flow of water, minerals and air, which makes these materials readily available for plant use.

Soil Types

Soil types vary depending on how much air flows between soil particles. Clay, silt and sand are the three primary types of soil, with sand being the airiest and clay being the least airiest, while silt holds characteristics of both clay and sand. Most soil environments contain a mixture of all three in varied amounts. According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, adding organic material to soils that contain too much clay or too much sand can help stabilize its chemical and nutrient makeup.

Plant Growth

Plant growth processes require a constant supply of air, water and nutrients. Organic matter contains carbon materials, which promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and release available nutrients into the soil, according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service. In this case, organic matter acts as a type of food for developing plant structures. Plant growth also relies on deep-root penetration into soil layers. The presence of organic material works to condition the soil environment so plant roots can grow deeper.


According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, decades of research have gone into discovering the benefits of organic materials in soil environments. In addition to improved soil texture and nutrient content, organic matter has been found to have beneficial effects on controlling plant deficiency diseases. The resulting increase in microorganisms can introduce certain fungi organisms into the environment. These organisms can potentially kill off nematodes or roundworms, which have been found to deplete available soil nutrients.

Tags: Conservation Service, Natural Resources, Natural Resources Conservation, Resources Conservation, Resources Conservation Service