Thursday 5 February 2015

Choose Healthy Side Dishes

There are a large variety of healthy side dishes available.

It's easy to choose a lean protein, but many people get confused when it comes to side dishes. For example, some folks may believe that any vegetable, even canned, is healthy. Others avoid certain items because they have been misled by fad diets. Selecting healthy side dishes doesn't have to be complicated. You just need to keep a bit of simple advice in mind.


1. Shop in the frozen foods section. Frozen vegetables are usually healthier than what you'll find in the produce section of most grocery stores. Frozen vegetables are frozen within hours of being picked. Many vegetables sold in grocery stores have traveled for hundreds of miles and have lost some of their nutritional value.

2. Look for whole wheat versions. If you love to serve pasta as a side dish, make sure you choose a whole wheat version. You can now find almost every shape of pasta imaginable in a whole wheat version. This makes it easy to make a healthy side dish. Best of all, whole wheat pasta tastes just like regular pasta. Your children will never know the difference.

3. Keep potatoes healthy. Many people are confused about potatoes. Potatoes are actually very nutritious. The key is to make sure you prepare them in a healthy way. For example, roast your potatoes instead of frying them. Even mashed potatoes can be healthy when you prepare them with fat-free buttermilk or chicken stock.

4. Add more fiber. Americans don't get enough fiber. One of the easiest ways to add more fiber is to choose healthy side dishes. For example, you can't go wrong with beans. Beans are high in fiber, while still being low in fat and calories. If you prepare baked beans, you'll be adding even more nutrition thanks to the added vegetables.

5. Bake rather than fry. Deep frying your side dishes may save you a bit of time, but it is much healthier to bake them. Even fun side dishes like mozzarella sticks can be baked.

6. Make it from scratch. One of the main problems with side dishes is the preservatives. Many people choose to buy store-bought items that are quick to prepare. Unfortunately, these foods are loaded with preservatives. Thankfully, you can find online recipes that allow you to make these popular side dishes from scratch.

Tags: side dishes, whole wheat, healthy side dishes, dishes example, from scratch, Frozen vegetables, grocery stores