Wednesday 29 April 2015

What Is Organic Coffee

Organic coffee is produced all over the world, and because of its environmentally low-impact, synthetic chemical-free production, it keeps our ecosystems protected and alive. But not all coffee meets the criteria when it comes to being certified organic. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Organic coffee is grown through the use of eco-friendly materials that aren't overly harmful to the environment. Pesticides and other harmful toxins are not used in coffee growth, and particular emphasis is placed on soil and plant system fertility and sustainability.

Certified Organic

United States organic coffee must be certified by an accredited agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. According to the Organic Trade Association, the requirements include "farming without synthetic pesticides or other prohibited substances for three years and a sustainable crop rotation plan to prevent erosion, the depletion of soil nutrients, and control for pests."

Where It's Grown

According to the Organic Trade Association in 2008, "Organic coffee is grown in 40 countries, including Bolivia, Burundi, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lao PDR, Madagascar, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timore-Leste, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, United States (Hawaii), Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zambia. The leading producer countries are Peru, Ethiopia, and Mexico."


The Organic Trade Association says any coffee product can carry an organic seal as long as its contents are certified to be at least 95 percent organic.


Organic coffee is a healthier and more flavorful alternative because no harmful chemicals are used when growing it or in its production. It also helps save the environment, and buying organically grown products supports the farmers who make their living from this market.

Tags: Organic coffee, Organic Trade, Organic Trade Association, Trade Association, According Organic, According Organic Trade, coffee grown