Friday 10 April 2015

Defrost A Turkey


1. The most traditional-and also the most time-intensive-means to thaw a turkey is simply to move it from your freezer to your refrigerator a few days in advance of the feast. As a rule of thumb, you'll need 24 hours for every five pounds of bird, so a 20-pound bird will require four full days of defrosting time. Remember to place the turkey in a pan, to catch any drippings-or, if there's not enough room, situate the pan on the shelf below.

2. If you don't have days to spare to thaw your turkey in the fridge, there's a quicker-but more labor-intensive-alternative. Simply place the bird in a big pot of cold water, allowing half an hour of soaking time per pound (meaning a 25-pound turkey can thaw in half a day). You'll have to replace the water every half hour, and also make sure that the turkey is in a leak-proof package, because turkey meat can absorb moisture and become watery.

3. If you're feeling brave-and if your oven is cavernous enough-it's also possible to defrost your turkey in the microwave. You need to zap the bird on a low-to-medium energy setting for at least 6 minutes per pound (two hours for a 20-pound bird), being sure to rotate it occasionally from top to bottom and end to end. Because it's possible that the microwave will start cooking certain portions of the turkey, it's necessary to start cooking the bird in a traditional oven immediately after defrosting.

Tags: 20-pound bird, half hour, start cooking, your turkey