Thursday 11 June 2015

Ideas For Senior Projects In High School

Plenty of options are available to mull over for a senior project.

A senior project usually consists of writing a paper on a particular subject, executing a hands-on project, creating a portfolio about the experience and then presenting the work to the class and the teacher. Often a senior project is in a science field, but many students complete the project in another subject area. Successful senior projects can include writing or art, including specializations such as poetry or sculpture.


Music is an art form that speaks to many high school students. Students can take their love of music to another level by turning it into a senior project. For example, if you are handy, you can build an acoustic or electric guitar. If music composition interests you, you can write and compose a song or movie score. Perhaps you're interested in music distribution; you can design and create your own compact disc.


Many high school students are drawn to some form of journalism, and this can be transformed into a senior project. You can focus your interest in a particular news station by discussing its programming and the stories it covers. You can ask your local newspaper if you can shadow one of its reporters, if you're interested in news coverage. You can look at the sociology of media and study the effects media have on society.


Home economics can help capture a student's interest in food and nutrition. You can study and cook foods from different cultures. You can study the effect of organic foods on health. If you want to learn more about the benefits of Chinese cooking, you can do your project on that. You can also shadow a chef at a restaurant you enjoy to learn about the business aspects of food service.

Social Sciences

If you are interested in a particular hot topic that is being publicly discussed, this is a good opportunity to learn more about it. The topic could be abortion, capital punishment or gay marriage, for example. It could be health care reform, homelessness or a more specific topic such as the percentage of pregnant teenage girls who finish high school. With these types of projects, it is important to conduct interviews and get as many aspects of the story as you can. Also, research and paying attention to current events will benefit your project.


If you like to draw, paint or sculpt, you might complete an art project. One project could investigate the materials used to make sculptures. Another could discuss the techniques used in Sunday newspaper cartoons. Still another is the types of art that make for attention-grabbing advertisements.


A variety of other topics and projects are possible. You can choose an automotive topic and restore an old engine. You can choose education and volunteer to be a teacher aide in an elementary school. You can choose forensic science and create a fake crime scene. If you're interested in politics and it's an election time in your city, volunteer to serve on a campaign for a candidate.

Tags: senior project, high school, complete project, high school students, into senior, into senior project, learn more