Friday 28 November 2014

Soak Red Winter Wheat

Whole grain breads are a good way to get essential vitamins, mineral and fiber.

Whole grains are an easy way to boost the nutritional value of your daily diet. Whole wheat can generally be found at most health-food stores, and can be used in its whole grain form or ground as fresh flour at home. Soaking is one method that will drastically boost its nutritional value and digestibility. Red winter wheat is a versatile type of wheat that can be used in its soaked whole wheat form. Soaking your grain may sound like a tedious addition to your day, but a few short steps will prove the process a quick and easy one.


1. Select your acidic medium. Lemon juice, vinegar, buttermilk, yogurt, kefir and whey are all good options. You will need one tablespoon of acidic medium per cup of water. If you are using fresh ground flour, use the acidic medium called for in your recipe, or use the medium that you feel will lend the greatest benefit to your finished recipe. For instance, buttermilk, yogurt or kefir would make a wonderful complement if your finished recipe is pancakes or muffins. However, for breads, whey could be a better option.

2. If you are making soaked whole wheat flour for a recipe, add your whole grains to your grain mill and grind the amount of flour you will need for your recipe.

3. Place one to three cups of whole wheat grains or your designated amount of fresh ground flour into a large bowl and cover with warm water. For whole grains, use a measuring cup and add one cup of water at a time, making note of how may cups it takes to completely cover the whole wheat grains. If you are using fresh ground flour, add the amount of liquid necessary per your recipe, and mix until the flour and water are completely combined.

4. Add one tablespoon per cup of your chosen acidic medium to the bowl. So, if you used a total of three cups of water, you will need to add three tablespoons of acidic medium.

5. Stir everything together until evenly combined and set aside for 12 to 24 hours.

6. Pour your whole wheat grains and water into a colander and allow your whole wheat to quickly drain. Place them back in the bowl and rinse them once again with clean warm water. This will remove any remaining acidic taste from the grain.

7. You may now use your whole grain red winter wheat in granola, with milk as a cold cereal, or sprinkled over a salad. For your soaked flour, add whatever additional ingredients are necessary, and continue with your recipe.

Tags: acidic medium, whole wheat, your recipe, your whole, fresh ground, fresh ground flour, ground flour