Wednesday 5 November 2014

List Of Green Jobs

"Going green" is something environmentalists have been talking about for years. No longer reserved for tree huggers, caring about the environment is an issue that greatly affects our lives, and one that people are starting to realize is very important. This has also involved an expansion of career opportunities in this sector. Nonprofit organizations, corporations and individuals are rethinking make the world more sustainable and environmentally friendly. The green segment has altered career opportunities for designers, farmers, lawyers, etc., and continues to expand as more people are becoming aware of its importance.

Design and Construction Jobs

Many of the first discussions about "going green" involved solar panels and creating homes that were sustainable and energy-efficient.

"Green builders now have a competitive advantage over traditional builders, according to Ashley Katz of the U.S. Green Building Council.

They are involved in teaching homeowners and building owners about green products and materials. They also design environmentally friendly heating units. This has trickled down to the creation of a green building rating system, where more and more buildings and homes are being checked for these standards. This has greatly expanded the need for green designers, contractors, architects and engineers, Katz said.

Food and Farming Jobs

The way we eat has changed significantly in the past several years. People are more aware of where their food comes from and prefer to eat organic or locally. This has increased the amount of organic crops that are produced, and the amount of land used for this farming has increased from 48,000 acres in 1997 to 122,000 acres in 2005, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

This has created new green jobs and opportunities through organizations such as the Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, where even students can work on a farm and learn this trade. There is also more of a demand for produce sellers at farmers' markets. Many grocery stores have created their own green sections. This greater supply is the end results of more distributors and growers. There are also green food jobs in farmland protection, farm education and outreach programs, and there is a demand for chefs that focus on local and organic food.

Environmental Lawyers

Lawyers often get a bad reputation, but there are numerous environmental lawyers who are fighting to protect and keep the environment safe. This type of green job can have a lawyer involved in protecting endangered animals, regulating power plants, mining and drinking water. Since there is a lot to be done--and learn--about the proper ways to treat the environment, this specific form of law is expanding where individuals can work for private firms, corporations or nonprofit agencies.

Tags: career opportunities, environmentally friendly, There also