Tuesday 25 November 2014

Care For Cockapoos


A cockapoo is a dog that is a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle. Cockapoos are friendly, loyal dogs that are good for owners who don't have large yards. Like poodles, they have low-dander fur and don't shed much, making them appropriate pets for allergy sufferers, and they have a cocker spaniel's friendliness and steadfast loyalty. In general, caring for a cockapoo isn't much different from caring for any other breed, but there are some breed-specific qualities that need extra attention.


Ear Care

1. Keep the fur around your cockapoo's ears well-trimmed. Its long ears make it prone to infections and wax buildup, so the ear canals should be free of long hair. Trim the fur around your dog's ear canals with fingernail scissors. Hold the scissors parallel to the ear and snip the hair, gently brushing it out with your fingers as you cut. Start trimming the dog's ears when it is a puppy to get it used to the process, and check the ears weekly to make sure they're clean.

2. Keep the cockapoo's ears free of wax, but don't use a cotton swab to clean your dog's ears, because you can push the dirt and wax farther inside. Instead, gently rub a drop or two of shampoo or gentle dish-washing detergent on the wax, and flush it out with an ear syringe and warm water. Let the dog shake its head a lot as you clean its ears so it can fling the dirt and wax out. Like people, some dogs have more earwax than others, but keeping a cockapoo's ears well-groomed will help prevent buildup.

3. Trim the fur at the tips of the dog's ears to keep it clean and free of dirt and dog food. Cockapoos' long ears tend to drag in whatever they're eating or playing in.

General Cockapoo Care

4. Use a topical flea medicine (such as Advantage or Frontline) monthly. Check the cockapoo for fleas and ticks when you're brushing it.

5. Brush or comb your cockapoo at least once a week to prevent its fur from getting matted. Start brushing the dog when it is still a puppy to get it used to the process.

6. Trim the hair over your cockapoo's eyes to keep its eyes clean and allow it to see.

7. Trim your dog's nails once a month. Use dog nail clippers and cut just past where the curve starts in order to avoid snipping the nerve ending in the nail. Have a vet or groomer do this if you're not comfortable doing it yourself.

8. Wash your dog monthly with a gentle shampoo. It's not necessary to have a cockapoo professionally groomed, but some owners find them more attractive with regular bimonthly haircuts. Haircuts also keep the dogs cooler in the summer. A professional groomer can also help you with ear care and nail grooming.

9. Give your cockapoo durable toys to play with. Cockapoos aren't usually destructive, but toys should be strong with no parts that they can choke on. Strong latex squeak toys, rawhide, and rope bones are good toys for cockapoos.

10. Walk your dog at least twice a day. Cockapoos do fine without lots of space to run, but they do need regular exercise.

Tags: your cockapoo, cockapoo ears, around your, cocker spaniel, long ears, puppy used, puppy used process