Monday 9 November 2015

Interior Decorating For A Cake Shop

Wedding Cakes may Inspire Decor

Interior decorating for a small business offers a host of challenges and benefits. Whether a professional provides the interior decorating or the owner himself or herself decorates, a cake shops décor should reflect the business owner and the products created. Individuals decorating a cake shop should consider several facets of creativity, function and business when creating the interior design.


In many ways, cakes themselves are a product of creativity and thus should be considered in the décor of the store. A business owner who specializes in a certain type of cake might want this revealed throughout their interior design. For instance, Mad Hatter cakes are one popular style inspired by the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. These cakes are often brightly colored, strangely shaped and sometimes even lopsided. Therefore, this cake store might project an image that supports this style of cake. The floor could be done in a tile or linoleum that suggests the bizarre, such as black and white spirals. The walls could be painted in colors that pop like red and orange. Finally, large framed pictures of some Mad Hatter cakes could provide guests an opportunity to see the designs while also complementing the overall store image.


It is important to remember when decorating a cake store what the specific retail functions are. In order to sell cakes certain components should be available. For example, many cake stores provide a photo album of cakes that they offer so that patrons can browse for what they prefer. Display cases are also helpful, especially in stores where customers can enter the store and purchase cakes immediately. Some cake shops choose to set up several small round tables throughout the room and display only a few of their best cakes in glass-covered cake stands. Tables that display cakes should have simple tablecloths in solid colors that do not distract the viewer from the cake.

Stores that specialize in wedding cakes may provide a small room or separate store corner where patrons can look through cake albums, sample different cakes and speak to a store representative about their specific desires. This area could reflect the overall store design or create a more wedding-based impression.


Ultimately the cake shop is a business and the interior should be designed to support this. According to, the colors red-orange, black and royal blue attract impulse buyers. Therefore, color choices should be considered in terms of what the owner hopes to elicit from the buyer. Also if patrons are expected to sit and browse through catalogues of cakes a seating area should be provided that matches the overall décor. For example, a cake shop specializing in weddings with a décor that emphasizes white and cream colors might have several plush white couches surrounding a coffee table on which cake albums are displayed.

Tags: business owner, cake albums, cake shop, cake shops, cake store, colors that, Hatter cakes