Monday 21 September 2015

About Living Frugally

About Living Frugally

Living frugally is about much more than clipping coupons and looking for sales when shopping. In order to live frugally you must incorporate frugal ideas into most aspects of your life, from the activities you engage in to the items you decide to buy. Although some people find it difficult to transition to living frugally, many people find it to be a relatively seamless change once they realize how much money they no longer have to spend to maintain their lifestyle.

The Facts

Living frugally may not be popular in a consumer culture, but for many people it's either a choice or a necessity. To live frugally means that you always try to make purchases at the lowest price possible and try to avoid buying anything that you don't need. Not all frugal people are consistently frugal with every aspect of their lives. Some people are frugal with most purchases but choose to indulge in expensive purchases once in a while. A person who lives a thoroughly frugal life, however, attempts to save money and spend as little as possible on a consistent basis.


The benefits to a frugal life can be numerous. People who are frugal do not generally pile up debt and overextend themselves financially. Frugal people also tend to save money whenever possible, and this makes for a personal financial situation where there is little debt and a substantial savings in place. Even people who do not make a lot of money can still maintain a financially comfortable situation if they only spend what they need and deposit the rest into savings. Living frugally can be quite beneficial to a person's future financial stability.


It is not difficult to identify a person living a frugal lifestyle. People who live frugally may not have designer clothes, luxury cars, and other overt signs of wealth because they do not want to part with their money for something they don't actually need. Frugal people may decline invitations to participate in expensive activities with friends. While some frugal people are very outspoken about their lifestyle, others may not readily share that facet of their lives.


It's a common misconception that people who live frugally do so out of necessity and must not have much money available to them. The truth is that many people who live frugally do so by choice, and some people living this type of lifestyle actually have quite a bit of money at their disposal. Another misconception is that people who live frugally never spend money on anything frivolous, but oftentimes a frugal lifestyle is a means to achieve a certain financial status before making an expensive purchase.

Expert Insight

Frugal living experts like media personality Clark Howard urge people to find the best deals possible for everything and to not spend money when it isn't necessary, but they also urge people to make room for some splurging once in a while. The consensus among these experts is that while it takes a little extra effort to find the best deal on a consistent basis, it's virtually impossible to forgo vacations and other extras forever without feeling deprived.

Tags: live frugally, Living frugally, many people, people find, people live, people live frugally, About Living