Friday 26 December 2014

Jobs In Food Nutrition

Individuals working in the nutrition field teach people make healthy food choices.

Individuals trained in food and nutrition have several career choices. Jobs may be available in school systems, hospitals, nursing care facilities, penal systems and community health services. These individuals are trained to promote healthy eating habits, thus preventing poor nutrition and illness. Individuals working in this area may require a bachelor's degree, special licenses, certificates, registrations or specialized training.


Nutritionists and dietitians are trained to teach healthy eating habits -- and to assist those who have specific needs with dietary modification that will improve specific diagnoses. A nutritionist or dietitian may work in a school or hospital educating students or patients on good health habits. A person in this position may collect data and conduct research, keep records and publish reports. A nutritionist or dietitian may also assist in the creation of healthy menus, and work with kitchen staff in the provision of healthy, balanced meals.

Community Dietitian

A community dietitian works in public places such as county health facilities, clinics or home health care agencies. These individuals provide educational programs to families, individuals, special groups and businesses -- and evaluate the health needs of participants. Individuals in these positions may collect nutritional and health data on a city or county-wide basis, and may work with fresh food retailers and growers to market healthy foods to the public.

Clinical Dietitian

Many clinical dietitians specialize in working with individuals that are significantly overweight, or those that have kidney disease, diabetes, cancer or other critically ill patients. The clinical dietitian educates and counsels these individuals on improving quality of life through good eating habits. They may work in hospitals, special care facilities or institutions. A person in this position should have good organizational and communications skills, and may be called upon to do research, gather data and provide educational materials. A clinical dietitian may also be referred to as a management dietitian, and works to oversee meal planning on a large scale for institutions.


Some dietitians work on a contract basis, and are hired by physicians, hospitals, businesses and institutions to educate staff, work with patients or to assist in wellness program set-up. Contract dietitians may work with sports teams, grocers or any type of nutrition-related business. Many assist with weight loss programs providing healthy food choices for individuals with chronic weight problems. They may be contracted to work with food service management, providing information on many aspects of healthy food preparation, sanitation and budgeting.

Tags: work with, eating habits, healthy food, care facilities, dietitian also, dietitian works