Monday 8 December 2014

Draw Jelly Bean People

Draw Jelly Bean People

Colorful jelly beans come in many flavors, ranging from the sweet to the downright disgusting. Jelly beans seem to have their own distinct personalities; in fact, they can be so expressive that that each could be made into its own character. Drawing a jelly bean person can be done with a few basic shapes, some makers for color and a lot of personality. Soon you can have an entire crew of candy friends.


1. Draw and oval shape that curves slightly to the left at the top and bottom. Make the bottom of this oval larger than the top. Add two ovals near the top of the oval for eyes. Draw a curved line under the eyes for the smile.

2. Add arms and legs with simple lines. Add elbows and knees with small circles.

3. Create the guidelines for the hand with large circles. Add feet with large ovals. Draw the circles with small rectangles above the feet.

4. Add the pupils of the eyes with circles that have a triangular dip in the right side of them. This shape should resemble a small Pac-man. Add the tongue with a small curved line under the mouth. Draw a vertical line in the center of the tongue. Flesh out the arms and legs by drawing parallel lines around the arms and legs. Erase the guidelines with a kneaded eraser.

5. Draw a hat on the jelly bean person by creating a curved line that goes across the top of the head. Add a half circle in the middle of this. Under the half circle, draw a small rectangle. These two shapes will act like the tightening band on the hat. Add the brim with a small curved line coming out of the back of the head.

6. Add the eyebrows with small triangles above the eyes. Add the knuckles with 3 bumps on the bottom of the right hand side circle. Add a thumb and 3 fingers on the left hand side fist with small cylinders. The thumb should be pointing vertically and the other fingers horizontally.

7. Add the details to the shoes by drawing a curved line on the front and back of the shoe. Ink the entire drawing. Let the ink dry and erase all the pencil lines. Darken in the pupils, arms and legs with black marker.

8. Color the body of the jelly bean person with the red marker. Color the tongue pink and the cap blue. Color the shoes blue except for the front and the back of the shoes; color these parts yellow. Add highlights to the jelly bean with the pink marker on the top and right side of the jelly bean.

Tags: with small, curved line, jelly bean, arms legs, bean person