Wednesday 13 May 2015

What Are Good Food Choices While Trying To Obtain A Sixpack

Abdominal exercises burn calories, but to get a six-pack you must work out your entire body.

Despite the billions of dollars spent on diet pills every year, no miracle diet or pill gives you six-pack abs. But making healthy food choices and exercising regularly can help you achieve this, as well as lifelong health.


Vegetables are high in fiber, which fills you up and helps to keep you full. They're also very low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals that are important for health.

Whole Grains

Oatmeal, brown rice and multigrain bread are a few examples of whole-grain foods. Whole grains provide complex carbohydrates that take the body longer to break down than simple carbohydrates and provide energy for the body. The energy from complex carbohydrates can help fuel long and difficult workouts and help keep you full for long periods.


In order to build muscle, you need to eat proteins. Protein is broken down and used to create new muscles when working out. In order to get six-pack abs, you need to strengthen and build abdominal muscles. Consume low-fat proteins such as chicken, tofu and beans.


Some fruits are high in sugars, which are not healthy to consume in large quantities, but fruit is also high in fiber, vitamins and minerals and low in calories. Eat one to two servings of fruit per day to get the nutrients you need to build muscle while keeping your calorie intake low.

Tags: build muscle, complex carbohydrates, high fiber, keep full, vitamins minerals