Friday 22 May 2015

Organic Herbs For Tea

Herbal teas are known to have medicinal properties.

Organic herbal teas are made from plant by-products such as their flowers, leaves, roots or seeds, and can also be made from the plants themselves. These herbs must be grown to fit the USDA's definition of organic to be sold as such in stores. Some organic teas are known to have health benefits when consumed; for example, ginseng extract is put into modem day energy drinks for its stimulant properties. Organic teas are made by placing the desired plant matter into boiling water and leaving it to steep for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the desired tea strength. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Organic Herbs

According to the USDA, "organic" means "foods whose ingredients cannot have been made by using most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, genetic engineering, growth hormones, irradiation or antibiotics." The best way to make sure the herbs you use to make tea are organic is to grow them yourself. Most herbs that are used for tea can be grown either hydroponically or outdoors during summer months. These herbs can also be be bought as organic; make sure to look specifically for the term "organically grown" on the packaging.

Organic Teas that Help with Digestion

Peppermint, cinnamon, cardamom and rosemary teas are known for helping your body digest food more quickly or with less effort. These herbs are widely available as they are also used as cooking spices. Ginger tea is also known to help with digestion and to relieve nausea.

Organic Teas that Help to Detox the Body

Aniseed, fennel, licorice and nettle based teas are known for helping the body flush out unwanted toxins. These teas usually are found in specialty organic herb shops. They require at least 10 minutes of steeping to get the desired results.

Organic Teas that Act as a Stimulant

Cinnamon, cardamom, lemon grass, ginkgo, ginseng and gotu kola are often used in tea as stimulants. These teas are known to increase energy levels and are often used as a substitute to caffeine based drinks. Some of these herbs are also used in energy drinks in order to boost the stimulant effect of the drink. Caution should be taken when consuming these teas as they have been known to increase heart rate.

Organic Teas that have Sedative Properties

Herbs known to have sedative properties when consumed in tea are chamomile, valerian and catnip. These herbs are available around the world and are known to help sleep and reduce anxiety. These teas are also usually sold at specialty tea shops and organic herb shops. These teas should be steeped for a minimum of 10 minutes to be beneficial.

Tags: teas known, Organic Teas that, Teas that, known have, Organic Teas, also used, energy drinks